July 2023 Update

Posted 12 months ago by Harrison Gowers

Harrison Gowers Admin


  • Connectors
    • Users can connect to 3rd party data sources and import directly into Smartbox.
    • This first version enables integration with MS Exchange and OneDrive.

  • Source mapping
    • Create records of data collected and stored by your organisation.
    • These records can be used in conjunction with Connectors.


  • New design for the SAR results page. Includes removal of the option for a subject to request data erasure.
  • Support for additional filename syntaxes. 
  • New and improved filter and search menu.
  • Optimised redaction alignment of word documents.


  • Resolved issues around bulk redaction table selection and deselections.
  • Substrings of words no longer identified as Dictionary results.
  • Fixed an issue where moving between files in Smartview caused PII results not to display.
  • The ability to search by email address in User management has been fixed.
  • Fixed instances of identified values not being highlighted in Smartview.

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