February 2024 Update

Posted 6 months ago by Harrison Gowers

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Harrison Gowers Admin


  • Addition of culling indicators
    • Animation and progress bars now appear on boxes when a culling operation is taking place.


  • Support for word documents saved as XML files.
  • Smartview: highlighting of identified terms in images is now supported.


  • Filtering by the "None" tag would not display untagged items.
  • After using the 'Clear page' tool in Smartview subsequent manual redactions would not save.
  • Password protected files are no longer incorrectly labelled as "Failed to convert" in the Error Report.
  • Box searches consisting of more than 1 word were sometimes returning no results.
  • When performing multiple deletion operations in a row, the count in the "Delete X files?" pop-up would build up over time and display the incorrect number. The correct number of files were deleted each time, however.
  • Fixed issue where sub-folder names were cropped if they contained a full-stop (.)
  • Increased the size of redaction boxes on TXT files to improve coverage.
  • Support for ICS files has been reintroduced.
  • General UI improvements and fixes.
  • General stability fixes.

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