April 2024 Update

Posted 3 months ago by Harrison Gowers

Harrison Gowers Admin


External API

  • API Endpoints created for the sending of requests to Smartbox from external sources.

Multi-tenant support

  • The creation of sub accounts for different departments or clients is now supported.

White labelling

  • Customise Smartbox to reflect your organisation's branding.
  • Available to selected partners, only.


  • Tagged documents widget displaying the breakdown of tags added to the Report Dashboard.
  • Sub-folder content loading time improved.


  • Resolved issue where redaction boxes would occasionally move when opening complex files in Smartview.
  • General bulk redaction selection improvements.
  • Choosing to hide highlighting for dictionary results would hide all other highlighting.
  • The correct number of selected files is now displayed on the deletion pop up rather than "Remove all duplicates?".
  • The "Found" documents count displayed in the Request Tracker is no longer erroneously doubled.
  • Fixed instances of redactions not being preview-able on images.
  • AI results highlighting can be unhidden in Smartview again.
  • Rectified small 'dead zone' in the drag & drop upload area of boxes.

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